bidirectional buffer
module bidirectionalbuffer(A,B,C,sel);
inout [7:0]A; //bus
input [7:0]B; //tx
output [7:0]C; //rx
input [2:0]sel;
genvar j;
generate for(j=0;j<8;j=j+1) begin :buffif_loop1
bufif1 m1 (B[j],A[j],sel[0]);// bus to tx
bufif1 m2 (A[j],C[j],sel[1]); // rx to bus
timing diagram
ReplyDeleteI am working on VLSI project i.e. Analog VLSI implementation of Neural Network Architecture for signal processing.
so can u help me...
can u provide me detail like coding..
did you complete the project ??
Deletehi, sir i am srinivas a engineering student as ur verilog code for uart helped me a lot in my project thanx for revealing it.
ReplyDeletethis is mani we are doing project on UART with verilog
want UART code and testbench in verilog.
hi i am searching for usart its my project can u help me??????????